La nostra azienda è diventata partner/promoter di Zakeke, importante realtà nel campo dei configuratori 3D e 2D integrati integrati nelle piattaforme di e-commerce.
Inode fornirà servizi extra di modellazione, texturing, lighting e accompagnerà il cliente nel percorso di configurazione dei prodotti.
Original Content from Zakeke official website
We are delighted to announce our partnership with Inode!
Inode offer specific 3D-related services focused on 3D animations for illustrating the functioning of products in depth.
To accomplish that task, they make extensive use of professional 3D software such as Autodesk Maya, with the built-in 3D render engine called Arnold by Solid Angle.Also, they’ve got experience in texturing entire 3D models by using and creating PBR materials from scratch with the use of the latest version of Adobe Substance 3D Suite.
From a programming point of view, they developed several 3D configurators based on Javascript scripting language, and in particular we integrated a library named ThreeJS in our workflow, which provides a series of functionalities oriented towards realtime configurators.Furthermore we have experience in developing UI/UX with the latest technologies such as VueJS.In a nutshell, they are open to customizing your specific project or ideas as best we can!
Inode: 3D and web solutions – from the idea to execution.